Helping Leprosy Patients


Leprosy: Understanding, Preventing, and Fighting The Disease

Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae. It primarily affects the skin, peripheral nerves, upper respiratory tract, and eyes. Symptoms can include light-colored or red skin patches with reduced sensation, numbness, and muscle weakness. It’s a slow-progressing disease, often taking years for symptoms to appear after initial infection. Leprosy is not highly contagious and is transmitted through prolonged close contact with an untreated infected person. Effective treatment exists, and the World Health Organization provides free multi-drug therapy. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent disability. Despite stigma, leprosy is curable. Awareness and education are crucial to combating misconceptions about the disease.

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Cases Of Leprosy Per Year

Aid For Leprosy

Our Aid for Leprosy: Support, Hope, and Healing

Through Shantidoot Sanstha, leprosy patients are
provided with healthy and nutritious food every year,
clothes and daily necessities are provided to them
through this organization. They try to create an
environment where they can get cleanliness. This
organization always extends a helping hand to
citizens suffering from leprosy.

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